Danceity DANCE!

Danceity DANCE!
I. Like. To. DANCE!!!!!!! YEA~YEA! dance dance...dodedodedo

Monday, February 28, 2011

TODAY....! was sorta boring

HEWOW(hello is sarsar and my language)!

     Sarsar, or Sarah is my bestest friend!!! She's at . We both do
enjoy eating gas station food, going to elementary school parks barefoot(the one we go to is reeeaaaalllyyy
muddy!), and squirrel fishing!! WOOHOO!! Today was like every other. Wake up at, like, 6:00 am, go to school, come home, bableebloblehblo. i have a book that tells me really weird but cool holidays. so on days that are weird holidays, I will NOT tell you, because you give me a rash! i was just joking someone else gives me a rash. WOW you are gullible! No on gives ame a rash! i don't even have one! So today, there was a tornado watch or whatever so in class, this convo. broke out abt tornado weather. and i was like "omg you guys, once when there was a tornado warning,my mom freaked out and put a helmet on me and my bro. then she stuffed us in a closet with the phone and started stuffing pillows in there. THEN A MATTRESS!!! So I called my friend and said "my mom is stuffing me in a closet with pillows plus I'm wearing a helmet. what're you doing?" And she said "oh, I'm eating a turkeydinner with germanfriends!its very yummy!"

we take severe safety precautions in my house.Severe.

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